Sherlock Holmes Walk Mural Project


EGR (Erica Gosich Rose) is a badass contemporary visual artist, muralist and illustrator based in Toronto, Canada; her work challenges views of fine art vs. graffiti and street art, and the dichotomy between nature+our industrialized world.

My concept for the Sherlock Holmes Walk is inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’ s creative metaphor of the human brain’s process of thought as a “brain attic”. According to Conan Doyle, Holmes believed that we store our memories and experiences in rooms like that of a house. It was also referenced in BBC’ s TV version of Sherlock as his “mind palace”. I love this as a glowing, crown-like visual metaphor for Conan Doyle’s genius and was inspired to make Holmes’ mind palace a depiction of The Palace of Westminster in London, England. IG: @egrartist

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